The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

To Get a True Picture of Student Loan Defaults, Break Down the Numbers

To Get a True Picture of Student Loan Defaults, Break Down the Numbers

In this video, Judith Scott-Clayton discusses new data from the U.S. Department of Education showing widely different impacts of student debt on different students.

High School-to-College Transition Courses on the Rise

High School-to-College Transition Courses on the Rise

What are transition courses, and why are they growing in popularity? What do we know about their effectiveness? This blog post shares findings from a CCRC scan of transition courses.

Dr. Jill Biden Calls for Research to Understand Student Lives in Address at CCRC 20th Anniversary

Dr. Jill Biden Calls for Research to Understand Student Lives in Address at CCRC 20th Anniversary

In her keynote presentation at CCRC's 20th-anniversary event, Dr. Jill Biden emphasized the need for researchers to "document the lived experience of our students" and for colleges to offer wraparound services.

Dr. Jill Biden to Celebrate CCRC’s 20th Anniversary at November Event

Dr. Jill Biden to Celebrate CCRC’s 20th Anniversary at November Event

Dr. Jill Biden, a community college educator and the wife of Vice President Joe Biden, will be the featured speaker at an event celebrating CCRC’s 20th anniversary in November at Teachers College, Columbia University.

CCRC Researchers Explore How Students Choose Majors in New Book Chapter

Helping students explore majors and careers in an efficient and focused way that keeps them from wasting time and money is the focus of a chapter by CCRC researchers in a new book released August 23 by Harvard Education Press.