The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Webinar on Improving Equity Features CCRC Experts, Queensborough Community College Leaders


In the webinar Helping Black, Latinx, and Limited-Income Students at High-Performing iPASS Colleges: An Exploration of Support Practices, which took place September 20, 2022, CCRC Senior Research Associate Hoori Santikian Kalamkarian and Research Associate Andrea Lopez Salazar discussed their research at five colleges with some improvements in outcomes among these student groups. 

CCRC Welcomes Four Summer Interns for 2022


Join CCRC in welcoming our four undergraduate summer interns! As they come from schools across the country, we hope that they learn how they can make a difference in higher education.

CCRC Webinar Explores How Colleges Are Using Data to Target Equity Gaps

iPASS webinar participants speak during a Zoom call.

In a recent CCRC webinar, researchers explained how colleges have used data to gauge the impact of student support initiatives and to design more equitable systems.

Seven CCRC Researchers Earn Degrees From Teachers College

Seven CCRC Researchers Earn Degrees From Teachers College

Congratulations to our seven staff members who earned master's or doctoral degrees from Teachers College this year!

Introducing CCRC’s Summer 2022 Guided Pathways Institute Cohort


CCRC’s Guided Pathways Summer Institute is back! Following a competitive application and interview process, 22 teams representing 24 colleges in 18 states were selected for the 2022 institute.