The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Announcing the Community College Practice-Research-Policy Exchange


Officially launching in fall 2021, the initiative will develop a practitioner-defined national community college research agenda and disseminate research findings throughout the country.

Three CCRCers Earn Advanced Degrees


Congratulations to Umika Kumar, Armando Lizarraga, and Nicole Lorenzetti on their academic achievements!

Introducing CCRC's Summer Institute Cohort


Following a competitive application and interview process, CCRC is pleased to announce the colleges that will join us for our virtual summer institute, Guided Pathways at Rural Colleges: Using Data to Launch Large-Scale Reform.

Jordan Matsudaira Appointed to Higher Ed Policy Role in Education Department


Matsudaira, a senior research scholar at CCRC, will serve as deputy undersecretary in the office responsible for higher education, adult education, and federal student aid.

CCRC Research Associate Andrea Lopez Wins AERA Education Research Service Projects Award


She will study how nonprofit arts organizations have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic.