The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Shifting Sectors: How a Commonly Used Federal Datapoint Undercounts Over a Million Community College Students

Shifting Sectors: How a Commonly Used Federal Datapoint Undercounts Over a Million Community College Students

The IPEDS definition of public-two year colleges no longer fits the community college sector and its students, making it more challenging for policy research to provide an accurate statistical picture of these institutions. In this blog post, John Fink and Davis Jenkins describe CCRC's alternative definition.

Trends in College Credential Completion by Student Race/Ethnicity and Program of Study

Data Viz: Trends in College Credential Completion by Student Race/Ethnicity and Program of Study

Takeshi Yanagiura presents a data tool that illustrates trends in college credentials awarded from 1995 to 2016 by a variety of factors, including state, college sector, broad major field, award level, and student race/ethnicity.