The College Version 2 Podcast: Strategic Support
Hoori Kalamkarian discussed strategic student support, advising, and first-generation students with Ross Markle and Andrea Pope in an episode of the podcast The College Version 2.
Are Community Colleges Still a Pathway to a Four-Year Degree?
Many factors can create delays for students, including complicated credit transfer processes that cost students more time and money. John Fink discussed some of these challenges on Cincinnati Edition.
Louisiana’s Corequisite Math Courses Boost Completion
Maggie Fay told Inside Higher Ed that the takeways from Louisiana is that corequisites are necessary, but on their own are not enough to improve graduation rates—advising and student supports are needed.
Free Community College Just Keeps Growing. Here’s the Latest.
CCRC's Thomas Brock attributes the uptick mostly to how community colleges have adapted over the last few years by offering more flexibility for students. The free-tuition efforts, Brock said, are providing an additional boost.
Higher Education: A Newsletter From the Hechinger Report
The Hechinger Report newsletter covered a CCRC webinar on how community colleges are uniquely positioned to address climate change.
A Fifth of Students at Community College Are Still in High School
Dual enrollment is good for students, John Fink told EdSurge, citing two decades of research that shows it leads to better high school and college completion rates and it could also boost community college enrollment.
Community Colleges ‘Back to Reality’ After Federal Relief
Tom Brock spoke to Inside Higher Ed about CCRC's recent reports on how colleges spent pandemic relief funds and their plans now that the funding has expired.
Listen: Where Upward Transfer Fails and How Institutions Are Improving Processes
In this episode of Inside Higher Ed's Voices of Student Success podcast, host Ashley Mowreader speaks with Aurely Garcia Tulloch and Tatiana Velasco about CCRC's research to improve transfer across the country.
Massachusetts Expands Tuition-Free Community College to Cover All Students
Massachusetts has expanded its free community college program, known as MassReconnect, to all students who apply for federal financial aid, regardless of their age. Davis Jenkins tells GBH, “This draws students who wouldn’t otherwise go into higher education, which is good.”
Academic Pathways: More Clarity Needed
"Students like having an academic plan that lays out what they need to take to complete their programs," Davis Jenkins told Inside Higher Ed. "They appreciate them even more if colleges use the plans to schedule the courses students need when they need them.”