Community Colleges Confront Slumping Enrollment. Can it be Fixed?
Tom Brock told Flatland that historically, there are a few reasons for community college enrollment declines. “The most important is that community colleges always played, at least traditionally, a counter-cyclical function within the U.S. economy.”
Expanding Community College Access for High School Students
Partnerships between high schools and community colleges are increasing opportunities for high school students to earn college credits.
Promoting Equity in Developmental Education Reform: A Conversation with Nikki Edgecombe and Michael Weiss
In this episode of Evidence First, Leigh Parise talks with Nikki Edgecombe of CCRC and CAPR and Michael Weiss of MDRC talk about what has been learned about promoting equity in developmental education reform.
Diving Into How Community Colleges Used HEERF Money
Federal COVID funding to community colleges during the pandemic may have ended last summer, but a new study examines how two-year colleges used those funds and gauges areas of concern now that the money is gone.
Long Waitlists for Introductory English at City College of San Francisco
Some faculty and students say the community college isn’t offering enough sections of the often required course, leading to program completion delays and frustration.
As Dual Enrollment Programs Boom, the Focus Widens to Career
Once ‘programs of privilege,’ dual enrollment pathways at community colleges are shifting to focus on a broader range of students and career options.
Undergraduate Enrollment Picks Up Steam
Enrollment rose across regions and degree types this spring, especially at vocationally-focused community colleges. John Fink explained this trend is related to shifting public perception of the value of higher education.
To Support Underserved Students, Four-Year Universities Offer Two-Year Associate Degrees
Davis Jenkins said that this model could benefit students and build a bridge into college by leveraging the strength and prestige of participating colleges.
Transfer Students Need Support from Both Two and Four Year Institutions
In an interview with Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, Tatiana Velasco discussed two recent transfer reports that illuminate a need for greater four-year institution accountability. Velasco also called on states to prioritize transfer student success and statewide pathway alignment.
Free Community College Programs Increase Enrollment—and Strain Staff
John Fink discussed free community college offerings in Massachusetts and Maine with Carrie Jung in an episode of Marketplace.