Survey Finds Community College Students Need Better Career Preparation
A Center for Community College Student Engagement survey found many community college students lack information about how in-demand their fields are, what skills those jobs require and how much they’d earn.
New Data Reveals Few Community College Transfers Complete a Bachelor’s Degree
John Fink told The 74 that we see smaller transfer completion rates for Black, Latino, and low-income students because the transfer system is riddled with barriers.
The Wild West of Dual Enrollment: Its Growth, Benefits, and Drawbacks
John Fink spoke to the hosts of the Future U. podcast about dual enrollment, specifically the financial incentives for districts and colleges, concerns around course quality and rigor, and implications for high school and college experiences.
Community Colleges Increase Housing Options
Campus housing could have a discernable impact on retention and graduation, Serena Klempin told Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.
Poor Mental Health Among Community College Students Linked to Lower Persistence Rates
A CCRC working paper studying two-year students’ habits has linked mental health-related issues, such as anxiety and depression, to worse persistence rates and credit accumulation.
Report: Mental Health Impacts Community College Persistence
A working paper from Sade Bonilla and Veronica Minaya identifies key themes in the challenges learners at two-year institutions face and how it impacts their enrollment and degree progression in the first year.
Helping Learners Plan Their Path Through College
Davis Jenkins and Hana Lahr joined The Key podcast to discuss their recent papers evaluating how guided pathways has spread, what iterations of the model work best, and what it takes to bring about sweeping, “whole college” change.
Small Liberal Arts University Relocates Satellite Campuses to Bolster Transfers
Davis Jenkins said Lakeland’s co-location model is a promising one for adapting to changing student demographics and called the model a way to build "pathways" to student enrollment.
A Deeper Look at Guided Pathways
Davis Jenkins and Hana Lahr spoke to Inside Higher Ed about two new CCRC evaluations of the guided pathways model.
Community College Can Be a Gateway to a 4-year Degree. But Indiana Has One of the Worst Success Rates in the Nation.
In a story on Indiana transfer rates, John Fink spoke with WFYI Indianapolis about why students might choose community colleges.