The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Fixes for Short-Term Pell


In this essay for Inside Higher Ed, CCRC Research Affiliate James Jacobs describes three potential unintended consequences of allowing students to apply Pell funds to short-term training programs.

Community Colleges and the Future of Work


Forthcoming work from CCRC and MIT aims to assess how community colleges can prepare students—particularly those from low-income and first-generation backgrounds—to adapt to and succeed in the evolving workforce.

The Secret Sauce to District-Wide Guided Pathways Governance and Employer Engagement


Jothany Blackwood of San Antonio College describes four specific strategies for facilitating strong governance and employer engagement when implementing whole-college reforms.

Learning With Colleges About How to Enact Whole-College Reforms


In the latest installment in our guided pathways blog series, Alison Kadlec, who co-founded Sova, describes five principles for helping higher education institutions build capacity for large-scale change.

The Untapped Potential of Librarians in Supporting Guided Pathways


In this blog post, Shanna Smith Jaggars, one of the coauthors of Redesigning America's Community Colleges, describes a section of the book that was left on the cutting room floor: how librarians can bolster guided pathways.