The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Equity and Guided Pathways: Which Practices Help, Which Hurt, and What We Don’t Know

students working in class

In the director's column for CCRC's 2018 newsletter, Thomas Bailey discusses issues colleges should attend to as they implement guided pathways in order to ensure that these reforms help close equity gaps.

To Get a True Picture of Student Loan Defaults, Break Down the Numbers

To Get a True Picture of Student Loan Defaults, Break Down the Numbers

In this video, Judith Scott-Clayton discusses new data from the U.S. Department of Education showing widely different impacts of student debt on different students.

When Discussing Apprenticeships, Keep in Mind the Big Picture

When Discussing Apprenticeships, Keep in Mind the Big Picture

In this essay, James Jacobs outlines a view of apprenticeships where work-based learning promotes and reinforces student success more broadly.

High School-to-College Transition Courses on the Rise

High School-to-College Transition Courses on the Rise

What are transition courses, and why are they growing in popularity? What do we know about their effectiveness? This blog post shares findings from a CCRC scan of transition courses.

Visualizing the Many Routes Community College Students Take to Complete a Bachelor’s Degree

An interactive tool shows the complexity of student transfer paths, even among those who were successful in completing a bachelor's degree.