The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

The Importance of Help Seeking in Community Colleges


Studies have shown that seeking help from counselors and advisors and informal sources such as family and friends leads to improved student learning and increased self-efficacy, but too few students actually reach out. Amanda Zerbib explores what research tells us about students' help-seeking habits.

CCRC Welcomes Six Undergraduate Interns


The summer season for CCRC is now underway, and six undergraduate interns are bringing new ideas to the center as they support research and communications teams. Learn more about the interns in this blog post.

CCRC Celebrates Four Graduating Staff Members


Each commencement season gives us at CCRC a chance to recognize the accomplishments of graduating staff members. This year, we are pleased to celebrate four researchers who have earned their advanced degrees: Jenivee Gastelum, Joe Hille, Farzana Matin, and Hanna Nichols.

A Career in Crafting Change: Elisabeth Barnett Retires After 16 Years With CCRC

Collage banner of photos of Elisabeth Barnett with blog title

After 16 years with CCRC, Elisabeth Barnett moved toward retirement in 2023. This blog post explores the researcher's early career and time at CCRC.

Online Courses Aren’t Going Away: Two New Reports Show How Self-Directed Learning Skills Can Improve Student Success


Although the rise in online coursetaking has benefits in terms of convenience and flexibility for students, it is not without challenges. Two new reports offer insights into approaches that can help colleges support students in online courses, particularly STEM courses.