The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Introducing DEEP: A Research-Based Framework for Broadening the Benefits of Dual Enrollment


A new approach to dual enrollment encourages community colleges to partner with middle and high schools to motivate and prepare underserved students to pursue a postsecondary degree in a field of interest directly after high school.

From Research to Action: Jim Jacobs Retires After More Than 25 Years With CCRC


Jim Jacobs, CCRC’s former associate director and member of the CCRC Advisory Board, has contributed to several CCRC projects on workforce education, bringing expertise he developed working on industrial development and adult education programs at Macomb Community College. As Jacobs enters retirement, CCRC reflects on his career and contributions to the field.

Navigating the FAFSA: What Students Say About the Financial Aid Application Process

Photos of three CUNY students being interviewed

Although there has been a movement to simplify the FAFSA application, challenges still remain. Emily Perez interviews three CUNY students on their experiences applying for financial aid and reflects on her own experiences filling out the FAFSA application.

CUNY Students and Staff on the Switch to Corequisite Courses


In fall 2022, City University of New York (CUNY) moved away from a traditional remedial course model for math and English and instead embraced the corequisite approach, which allows students to enroll in college-level courses with built-in support for the students who need it. Klaudia Wiacek investigates how CUNY students and staff feel about the major reform nearly one year after its implementation.

Inside CCRC: Sarahi Hernandez and the Journey of Self-Fulfillment Through Higher Education

Headshot of Sarahi Hernandez, Research Intern at CCRC

Sarahi Hernandez is an interning research assistant investigating multiple measures assessment as an alternative to standardized testing for placement in developmental courses. In this Q&A, Hernandez explains her interest in higher education research and how she came to CCRC.