The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

New Lesson Study Tools for College Faculty


This blog post describes the professional development strategy lesson study, as well as three new resources that aim to support faculty as they enhance and refine their instructional practice.

What CUNY Start Can Teach Us About Improving Teaching in Higher Ed


In the latest installment of our teaching and learning blog series, Susan Bickerstaff and Maria Cormier describe how three design principles from CUNY Start, a pre-college developmental education program, could be adapted to support broader improvements to instruction.

Supporting the Supporters: Empowering Adjuncts to Promote Student Success


Students in developmental and gateway courses taught by adjunct faculty have negative longer-term outcomes but positive or neutral short-term outcomes. In this blog post, CCRC's Florence Ran and Susan Bickerstaff outline explanations for why.

Developing Eyes to See Students: A Math Instructor’s Perspective on Lesson Study


The Lesson Study model of professional development allows instructors to improve their practice by working together and building a supportive community, writes Carrie Kyser, who teaches at Clackamas Community College.

The President’s Role in Improving Teaching and Learning


Community college presidents are crucial in fostering a campus culture that allows strong teaching to flourish. This blog post describes four ways leaders can embrace and encourage highly effective practice in the classroom.