The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Why the First Year Matters Most for Transfer


In a blog post for Inside Higher Ed, Umika Kumar argues that to help more students transfer, colleges should invest in their first year, highlighting practices from CCRC's Ask-Connect-Inspire-Plan (ACIP) framework.

Visualizing the Many Routes Community College Students Take to Complete a Bachelor’s Degree

An interactive tool shows the complexity of student transfer paths, even among those who were successful in completing a bachelor's degree.

Don’t Blame Students for Institutional Barriers to Equitable Transfer Success


In this op-ed, John Fink argues that community college transfer pathways are key to improving equity in higher education and outlines four institutional roadblocks that regularly impede transfer student success.

John Fink Honored as a Transfer Champion by NISTS


The National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students will honor CCRC Senior Research Associate John Fink with its 2019 Champion–Catalyst award, which recognizes "game-changers in the transfer field."

Emerging Challenges the Coronavirus Poses for Community Colleges

Emerging Challenges the Coronavirus Poses for Community Colleges

Community colleges across the nation are adapting to teaching and learning amid the pandemic. This essay details some of the issues they're confronting during this transition, including maintaining equitable practice and financial stability.