The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

First-Generation College Students’ Personal Networks and Their Influence on the Use of Student Supports


Much is unknown about the nature of first-generation students' personal networks, but a new CCRC study is changing that. CCRC Senior Research Assistant and PEAR Fellow Melissa Herman and Senior Research Associate Hoori Santikian Kalamkarian discuss the impetus for the study and share some preliminary findings in this blog post.

An Opportunity to Expand College Access? Rethinking Dual Enrollment Eligibility Policies Post-Pandemic


Suspended at the height of the pandemic, placement testing is back on the table as an option for determining eligibility for dual enrollment—what should states and colleges do? CCRC researchers John Fink, Sarah Griffin, and Maggie Fay share their recommendations in this blog post.

Unlocking Opportunity: Rethinking Community College Programs to Ensure Equitable Post-Graduation Success


The Aspen Institute and CCRC are launching Unlocking Opportunity: The Post-Graduation Success and Equity Network, a project to accelerate the next phase of reform at 10 community colleges.

Strengthening Connections Between Community Colleges and Disciplinary Societies


This post describes the benefits that disciplinary societies can offer community college faculty and students and shares findings from a report on the recent workshop Strengthening Engagement Between Disciplinary Societies and Community Colleges.

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Anne Arundel Community College and Anne Arundel County Public Schools are launching a summer bridge program for rising high school seniors designated as English learners.