The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Navigating the FAFSA: What Students Say About the Financial Aid Application Process

Photos of three CUNY students being interviewed

Although there has been a movement to simplify the FAFSA application, challenges still remain. Emily Perez interviews three CUNY students on their experiences applying for financial aid and reflects on her own experiences filling out the FAFSA application.

Shrinking Racial Gaps in Student Debt and Default: Recommendations to Congress


The gaps in debt levels and default rates between White and Black college students have swelled to an alarming extent, and some U.S. senators have taken notice. Judith Scott-Clayton outlines several policy recommendations for shrinking the disparities.

Emerging Challenges the Coronavirus Poses for Community Colleges

Emerging Challenges the Coronavirus Poses for Community Colleges

Community colleges across the nation are adapting to teaching and learning amid the pandemic. This essay details some of the issues they're confronting during this transition, including maintaining equitable practice and financial stability.