The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Engaging Faculty in Systemic Reforms Using the Inquiry and Action Model: A Q&A with Al Solano

In this Q&A, Al Solano, founder of the Continuous Learning Institute, shares his expertise in fostering collaboration among educators through the Inquiry and Action Model.

Pathways Through the Bluegrass: Reform at Bluegrass Community and Technical College


Dr. Karen Mayo reflects on the 2022 Guided Pathways Summer Institute, sharing how Bluegrass Community and Technical College has since worked to implement pathways reforms and how their efforts have evolved.

Turning Research Into Action


Melinda Karp, a former assistant director of CCRC, writes about how colleges can turn research into institution-specific reforms through a detailed planning process that determines what reform strategies might work and how they will play out day to day.