The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

CCRC Researchers Explore How Students Choose Majors in New Book Chapter

Helping students explore majors and careers in an efficient and focused way that keeps them from wasting time and money is the focus of a chapter by CCRC researchers in a new book released August 23 by Harvard Education Press.

Reflecting on 25 Years of CCRC


To mark our 25th anniversary, our founding director, Thomas Bailey, sat down with our current director, Thomas Brock, to reflect on CCRC's growth and consider the next phase of the center's work.

The Year in Review: A Look Back at CCRC in 2018

A Look Back at CCRC in 2018

Over the past year, CCRC reached several milestones, produced important new research findings, and welcomed a new center director. Before we embark on the new year, here’s a look back at some highlights from 2018.

Thomas Bailey, Founding Director of CCRC, Named Next President of Teachers College, Columbia University

Thomas Bailey of CCRC

Thomas Bailey, the director of the Community College Research Center (CCRC) since its founding in 1996, has been named the next president of Teachers College, where he has been an economics of education professor since 1990.

Equity and Guided Pathways: Which Practices Help, Which Hurt, and What We Don’t Know

students working in class

In the director's column for CCRC's 2018 newsletter, Thomas Bailey discusses issues colleges should attend to as they implement guided pathways in order to ensure that these reforms help close equity gaps.