The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Why the First Year Matters Most for Transfer


In a blog post for Inside Higher Ed, Umika Kumar argues that to help more students transfer, colleges should invest in their first year, highlighting practices from CCRC's Ask-Connect-Inspire-Plan (ACIP) framework.

What COVID-19 Means for Community Colleges


Since the pandemic began, CCRC has been thinking about COVID-19's many impacts on community colleges. Here, you'll find a roundup of our coronavirus-related blog posts and media mentions.

How Does Access to Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Vary by Race and Gender Across States?


John Fink uses newly released data from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights to look at disparities in access to dual enrollment and Advanced Placement by race and gender. An interactive data visualization shows the breakdown of participation by race and gender in each state.

The Future of Work: Making the Education System More Flexible for the Dawning Work Ecosystem


Automation will eliminate some jobs, but certain skills will remain uniquely human, Michelle Weise told an audience at Teachers College in May. 

The Public Comment Period of Higher Education Rulemaking: Your Opportunity to Influence Accreditation Policy


In this blog post, CCRC Research Affiliate Rebecca Natow describes how the public can weigh in on changes proposed by the U.S. Department of Education and why doing so matters.