The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

To Build Back Enrollment, Community Colleges Must Ensure That Their Programs Are Worth Completing

To Build Back Enrollment, Community Colleges Must Ensure That Their Programs Are Worth Completing

It's not enough to make it easier to go to college; to boost enrollment, students must have access to valuable programs. To that end, our latest interactive tool shows you what credentials students are completing at your college or in your state.

Guided Pathways Reforms Designed With Equity in Mind


This post describes how guided pathways reforms can create the conditions for students to see a broader range of opportunities for themselves and then help students successfully realize those opportunities.

Prior Learning Assessment: A Key Piece of the Credit-Noncredit Discussion

Adult students work together in class

To boost adult enrollment and credential attainment, community colleges must make it easier for students to secure college credit for their previous work experience. 

CCRC’s Summer Institute on Guided Pathways Helps Rural Colleges Accelerate Reform


The program, which was designed specifically for rural colleges, focused on using data to overcome common challenges.

Make Your Voice Heard for More Actionable, Equity-Focused Dual Enrollment Data


The Department of Education is considering adjustments to IPEDS to better clarify and capture data on dual enrollment. Comment on the proposal—which would yield data disaggregated by student race/ethnicity and gender—by August 6.