The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Acceleration for All? Mapping Racial Equity in Access to AP and Dual Enrollment


In a new CCRC working paper, Di Xu, John Fink, and Sabrina Solanki look at participation in Advanced Placement and dual enrollment courses across the country and how they differ by race and ethnicity. Here, John Fink presents two interactive tools for exploring their findings by district and metro area.

How Equitable Is Access to AP and Dual Enrollment Across States and School Districts?


This post presents a set of interactive data tools and findings from a CCRC analysis examining racial equity gaps in access to AP and dual enrollment coursework among public high school students during the 2017–18 school year.

CCRC’s Guided Pathways Summer Institute: Insights from Summer 2021 Participants


What can colleges interested in our summer 2022 guided pathways institute expect? We asked 2021 participants from three colleges—located in Massachusetts, Nebraska, and Arizona—to describe their experiences.

How Much Are Community College Graduates Earning Two Years Later?


In an update to their Tableau dashboard using IPEDS data to show which credentials students are completing by college and state, John Fink and Davis Jenkins incorporated earnings data to lend additional insight into programs' postgraduation outcomes.

Visualizing the Many Routes Community College Students Take to Complete a Bachelor’s Degree

An interactive tool shows the complexity of student transfer paths, even among those who were successful in completing a bachelor's degree.